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Announcements and information from the Rice University Squash Club

Fall Squash Tournament

Hey squashers! We will be having our first tournament of the year starting Saturday, October 5th. The tournament will take place over the course of a couple of weeks, depending on how many people sign up. Fill out this form if you would like to participate and I will create a bracket from all those who are interested. https://forms.gle/pggz6Sjqo8MUeLkk8
Then, I will send you the following information: who you are playing, their contact info, and when you need to play by. Matches are self-scheduled and self-refereed. As soon as the match is played, match results should be sent to me so I can update the bracket!
I will also send out some materials about the rules of the game so that everyone is on the same page and you guys can self-referee effectively.
Contact nd35@rice.edu with questions.



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